Thursday, June 6, 2013

The past week in the Harris House

Patrick and I both have cabin fever. However our schedules are never aligned enough to enjoy significant time outside and when the schedules align its always raining or really cold.

Saturday: We both had days off. I made Pat, his favorite French Toast. French Toast was the first meal that I made for Pat when were dating. I must say that this meal blew him away, that he knew I was a keeper. I will post my secret for French Toast in a later blog. We spent the rest of the morning rummaging. The only success item was a FIRE PIT!!!! We have been looking and wanting to buy a fire pit for a while. So we were really excited about finding it. That night we met up with Tim and Grace. We made Pizzas with Flat bread and then played Settlers of Catan. In which, I won the first game!!!

Sunday: We went to church together. We spent the afternoon grocery shopping and lounging around the house. We actually starting watching Star Wars. Yes, I caved. It was only because I love my hubby. The evening was spent at Small Group learning about Heaven.

Monday: I worked!!!! I seriously celebrate each day I work. I came home and finished season 6 of Grey's Anatomy. I cooked black bean burgers with fried sweet potatoes and regular potatoes and steamed broccoli. Patrick loved the meal. Morgan and Andy came over to play City and Knights Catan, we finally purchased the expansion! Patrick sneaked in and won the game.

Tuesday: I worked!! Two days at the same placement, score!! Dad, took Pat and I out for dinner. I always enjoy seeing my dad during the week. We went to Pernell's, a restaurant my 5th graders suggested. I ordered a T-bone steak covered with horseshoe onion rings with a side of garlic potatoes.

Wednesday: I worked, back at my school that I student taught in. Most days, I thoroughly enjoy teaching there. I re-had a group of students. I get to walk home instead of taking the bus, a huge plus!! Patrick closed tonight and I had youth group. It was my second week helping out. Youth group was a lot of fun. I am still amazed of all the students that attend youth group.

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