Friday, April 19, 2019

Up, up and away

Three flights completed in 18 months. As a family, we enjoy traveling. Children can make traveling more interesting. After traveling three times with a child, here are three tips that I will consider when booking and taking my next flight.

1. The age of your child matters. 
If your child is under two, then you can travel with them on your lap. Your child does not need a separate ticket, which is a huge money saver. Try and choose a flight that will work best for you, spouse, child and everyone else traveling with you. Traveling with a 6 month old is different than traveling with a 18 month old. In my opinion, the 6 month old child is the better age! The baby will most likely always sleep and eat on the plane. It's perfect! The 18 month old may not sleep on the plane. The 18 months old can be entertained with food, books and a digital device. Just take time to consider the age of your child and how traveling may look for your family. It is still possible! 

2. You may need to pay more to be more comfortable. 
My husband and I try to pack as much as we can in our check bags. The first time we traveled my husband and I each had a personal item, a backpack, we had my daughter's diaper bag, a car seat, a stroller and a baby carrier. It was too much to bring through security and to get to our gate! We have learned to carry as little as possible to the gate. Pay for additional check bags if needed.

Also pay for the best flight that will work best for your family. Don't get the cheapest latest flight of the day, unless you want to travel with cranky children. Pay more for a flight that may work better with your schedule and preferences. Our last flight was at 9pm. Our 18 month old was the child that screamed on the plane. She ended up having an ear infection but she just couldn't get comfortable to stay sleeping. 

3. Roll with the punches. 
There is no need to be stressed at the airport with children along. The airport can cause anxiety. Everyone is busy and running "late." Give yourself time to arrive early to the airport. Grab a coffee. Have your children play in the child area if there is one provided. 

Also, be flexible when going through security, because the rules always seem to change.  Different airports may require you to take off your shoes, take all food out of any carry ons and set electronics aside. You could always research the airport that you are flying out of to be more prepared. Just take a deep breath and do what the TSA guards require and move on to your gate. You got this!!

Flying is possible with children along. Don't be afraid to fly with kids, you still need to have fun and take those needed trips.

And below are pictures of each trip we took with our little nugget :)

Monday, March 11, 2019

It's a....

We are thrilled to announce that a little boy will be joining our family come early July. I enjoy feeling tons of movement from this baby but now that I know that it's my new son stretching, I am even more excited.

A couple weeks ago, we gathered with our family for a Gender Reveal Party. Our home was filled with decorations saying "What will the little honey bee?" The party was complete with my mother's creation of a double stroller made out of donuts. We were all excited to find out the gender, my mom even mentioned that she forgot why we were gathering.

The reveal happened through a board game called Dixit. Dixit is a Spiel des Jahres winning, wholesome family party game filled with different pictures. Side thought, Patrick and I love board games! So, Patrick started the game as the "active player" and his clue was 'Siblings.' I was "active player" next and my clue was 'Life.' Everyone knew that the gender was going to be revealed sometime during the game. My sister was at the edge of her seat with our first two clues. The game continued with our family members revealing clues when they were the active players. We encouraged each person to try and stick with baby themes. The turn came back to Patrick. His next clue was "Reaction to if it's a boy." Everyone began scouting for the perfect card to lay. My clue, "Reaction to if it's a girl" was next. Then to wrap up the game for the final clue we said, "It's a...." Everyone then was encouraged to lay down a picture and to say the gender they think the baby is with that card. We went one by one saying aloud what the gender is. With 3 for girl, 2 for boy, 1 for happy it's healthy and 1 for it looks like me! Patrick and I each held out an envelope. We opened the card and said "It's a boy!" We were all very excited. I was more in shock and disbelief. I was really thinking that the baby was going to be a girl. Now time to think of life with a boy! Help me please!!!

Planning any kind of party is very fun. The evening before I stepped into Party City to see what fun accents and decorations they had. I found plates, napkins and balloons. These items were not needed, but they did make the celebration a bit more fun! Take time in your life to celebrate the little things. Even if the little things are common or overrated. In the end it's spending time with family and creating memories together that really matter.

Natasha Harris

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Happenings from the past 5 years!

its been almost 5 years since I have uncovered this blog. I have been thinking more about how I spend my evenings and I really want to start writing down events and excitements.

Uncovering the past 5 years is long but amazing. Patrick and I have been married for 6 1/2 years. We have a beautiful daughter named Eliza. We bought our home 2 years ago. We are still residing in Oshkosh. Below are highlights of the past couple years!!!!

This blog in the past has been about our travel, adventures, family and hobbies. I see this blog moving towards topics that include motherhood, parenting, and children, but still includes traveling, hobbies and basically any speck of something real. I am not the best communicator via words. I am not the best wife, mom, or woman of Christ. But I am learning through grace for how God wants me to venture through life.