its been almost 5 years since I have uncovered this blog. I have been thinking more about how I spend my evenings and I really want to start writing down events and excitements.
Uncovering the past 5 years is long but amazing. Patrick and I have been married for 6 1/2 years. We have a beautiful daughter named Eliza. We bought our home 2 years ago. We are still residing in Oshkosh. Below are highlights of the past couple years!!!!
This blog in the past has been about our travel, adventures, family and hobbies. I see this blog moving towards topics that include motherhood, parenting, and children, but still includes traveling, hobbies and basically any speck of something real. I am not the best communicator via words. I am not the best wife, mom, or woman of Christ. But I am learning through grace for how God wants me to venture through life.