Settlers of Catan
Settlers of Catan is a longer game 1-2 hours. This game is great when learning about trade and the economy. I have heard of students playing this game in a business classes. In Catan, you want to expand your Settlements, Cities and Roads to gain access to more resources. Resources in this game include Wood, Brick, Wheat, Ore and Sheep. Resources in this game allow you to build settlements, cities and roads. You compete with the other players for resources and points. The game has other components that help aid and hinder in expanding your settlements, cities and roads.
The Cities and Knights expansion adds more rules and more strategy to the original Settlers of Catan game. I love this expansion!!!! During this expansion, the normal play of Catan happens in addition to protecting Catan from the Barbarians and collecting Commodity Cards. Cities in this game produce their own resources called Commodities.
I have also played Settlers of Catan with the expansions Cities and Knights, Seafarrers and aspects from Traders and Barbarians. Mixing all the expansions together is very fun, especially when everyone know how to play.
This game requires at least 3 players.
Carcassone was introduced to me one weekend while visiting Patrick at TIU. I enjoyed the game so much that Patrick bought it as a gift for me for Christmas. This game is never the same. Each time I play I use different strategies depending on the other players and the layout of the game. The point of this game is to have the most points at the end, when the tiles run out. You get points when you finish building roads, cities and cloisters. On your turn, you pick a tile and place it on the board. You need to match up the city, road or farmland to a piece already laid. You can choose to claim anything on that tile, if it's not already claimed. You claim tiles with Meoples, colored people pieces. This is a fast pace game. If you are playing with people that know the rules, a game can take 20 minutes.
We have recently bought the expansions Rivers and Cities and Cathedrals. The River expansion creates a barrier in the begining of the game while placing tiles. The Cities and Cathedrals expansion creates more points to gain while completing cities and roads.
You can play this game with 2 people!!!! Pat and I play this game very often. We have learned how to be civil while playing. We have also learned that placing tiles that help the other person makes for a more relaxful evening after the game is done.
Ticket to Ride (we sadly don't own this one)
Ticket to Ride requires strategy but not as much as Settlers of Catan. The board is the same each game. The variations come with Tickets that need to be completed. Tickets are destinations from cities in the USA, that when completed give you extra points. At the beginning of the game, everyone chooses at least 2 of 3 tickets. The rest of the game is trying to complete the tickets by claiming routes between cities. In oder to claim a route, a set number of train cards is needed. The board of this game is of the Unitied States with cities connected by colored train routes. A average game length is 1 1/2 hours.
Can be played with 2 people but is more fun with at least 3.
Last Night on Earth
Last Night on Earth is a zombie board game which I played for the first time 2 weeks ago. This game has different senarios/game variations to choose from. Each senario has two teams, the zombies and the heros/humans. The senarios require team work and strategy in order to complete the designated task before the sun rises.
Can be played with 2 people.
Highly Recommended Games from Patrick
Games that I would love to Purchase
Killer Bunnies
Ticket to Ride
Cities and Knights, Settlers of Catan expansion
We enjoy learning new games and sharing our love of games with others. If you have any suggestions or games that we should try, let us know!!!!